当前位置 -> 首页新闻资讯无锡环氧地坪底漆用量与使用注意事项有哪些 发布时间:(2019/9/12)


标签:混凝土密封固化剂 | 混凝土密封固化剂厂家


The coating of epoxy floor paint primer is a fundamental step in the construction of epoxy floor paint. The primer layer is between the base of the floor and the epoxy floor coating, which can enhance the adhesion between the epoxy floor coating and the ground. Based on years of construction experience, the company talks about the amount of epoxy floor primer and the matters needing attention in its application. The use of epoxy floor primer is affected by external factors in the following aspects: the method of influencing the use of epoxy floor primer, the primary factor is the bond strength of the construction base of the floor and then the overall strength. Construction of epoxy floor paint generally requires that the strength of concrete on the ground is greater than C25, and the better amount of primer on the ground is generally 0.05-0.2 kg/m2. If the strength on the ground is too low, the ground is loose and easy to sand, the use of epoxy floor primer will be changed according to the practical environment and the situation. 此外,假定地坪施工基面强度低,但又没有涂布恰当适量的环氧地坪底漆来添加地坪基面粘结强度,则环氧地坪质量较差。假定地坪上有叉车等重物时,环氧地坪就可能会连同环氧地坪基面一同被压陷拉裂。

In addition, the quality of the epoxy flooring is poor if the strength of the flooring construction base is low, but the proper amount of epoxy flooring primer is not coated to add the cohesive strength of the flooring base. Assuming there are forklift trucks and other weights on the floor, the epoxy floor may be collapsed and cracked together with the epoxy floor base.


Epoxy resin floor paint has gradually become the main trend of industrial ground decoration


Therefore, in the construction of epoxy floor, it is necessary to ensure the proper amount of primer coating. Assuming that the overall strength of the ground is too low, epoxy mortar coating can be selected according to the load-bearing and strength requirements. Perhaps the ground can be reconstructed from scratch, and Zhejiang Hengshan Industrial Co., Ltd. can be consulted roughly to reduce unnecessary cost losses.


Of course, the degree of wear and tear is different between the old and the new ground. The degree of damage on the old ground is also different according to the length of use and the degree of various load-bearing applications. Sometimes, there are large areas of pits, holes and cracks on the ground. Therefore, before the construction of epoxy primer, the above ground must be repaired. It is necessary to correct the cracks and pits and to control the roughness of the ground properly. When the strength and credentials of a relatively new site are good, the general dosage control is 0.05~0.2kg/m2. For the old site, the professional construction personnel must operate it well according to the practice. If you need to know more, you can consult Zhejiang Hengshan Industrial Co., Ltd. and trust will give you a satisfactory result. Answer.


来源:无锡环氧地坪公司  浏览次数:894
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