
地坪知识 行业资讯 常见问题


发布日期:2019-06-20 浏览次数:24


Epoxy floor paint has the properties of flat and seamless, beautiful surface, rich color, dust-proof, easy cleaning, easy maintenance, waterproof and impermeability, chemical resistance, abrasion resistance, heavy pressure resistance, anti-static electricity, anti-skid and so on. Therefore, it is widely used in industrial plants, workshops, underground garages and other places. But in the actual construction process, sometimes there will be cracks in the paint film, affecting the beauty of the epoxy floor. What is the reason? How to solve it?一、环氧地坪漆漆膜龟裂的原因及预防措施:

1. Reasons and preventive measures for cracking of epoxy floor paint film:


1. Natural aging of paint film: After reaching the service life of epoxy floor paint, the film will crack naturally because of aging. The cracks caused by the aging of the paint film and the softness of the paint film should be eradicated thoroughly.2、漆膜太厚且没有充分干燥:环氧地坪施工过程中因为过于追求漆面的光泽度,盲目的增加漆面厚度反复喷涂,但是每次施工间隔时间太短,面漆没有充分干燥而造成龟裂。对于这种原因导致的漆膜龟裂问题,在施工时要严格控制每道漆的厚度,一次不能涂刷太厚,而且要在每一道漆充分干燥之后再进行下一道漆的施工。

2. Lacquer film is too thick and not sufficiently dry: in the construction process of epoxy floor paint, because of excessive pursuit of the gloss of the paint surface, blindly increasing the thickness of the paint surface, repeated spraying, but each construction interval is too short, the paint is not sufficiently dry and causes cracks. For this reason, the thickness of each paint should be strictly controlled during the construction. The thickness of each paint should not be too thick at one time, and the next paint should be constructed after each paint is fully dried.3、底漆与面漆不配套:客户选择的底漆与面漆不配套导致漆膜出现龟裂现象。光磊环氧地坪漆厂家建议消费者一定要选择同一厂家的产品。

3. Primer and topcoat are not compatible: the customer's choice of primer and topcoat is not compatible, resulting in cracking of the paint film. Guanglei floor paint manufacturers suggest that consumers must choose the same manufacturer's products.二、环氧地坪漆漆膜出现龟裂的处理方法

II. Treatment of Cracks in Epoxy Floor Paint Film


1. For the cracking phenomenon caused by the service life of epoxy floor paint, only the old paint film can be cleaned up and the epoxy floor paint can be re-constructed.2、对于龟裂现象不严重的,可以将漆膜表面打磨一遍,重新滚一遍面漆。

2. If cracking is not serious, the surface of the paint film can be polished once and the finish can be rolled again.3、对于龟裂现象比较严重的,为了不影响环氧地坪整体美观性及正常使用,环氧地坪漆厂家建议对龟裂的漆膜采取铲除再施工的方法处理,不可偷工减料而导致再返工等麻烦。


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